Positive, Student-First Culture

AAPS Students should be more visibly and actively involved in all aspects of our District. This includes having a seat to voice their experiences about everything from the bus stop to the Board table. When students are engaged and connected, they are empowered to become life-long learners.

Transparent, Itemized Financial Reports and Procedures

Plain and simple, AAPS needs more transparent and itemized financial reporting. This is true more than ever.  We need more detailed reporting that monitors trends in our fund balance monthly and can both accurately report and predict our increased costs more regularly.

A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion lens for Decision-making

Our District needs a cabinet-level DEI officer with a diverse experience to help guide us through these difficult times. While it is true that DEI is the work of everyone, our community needs a DEI officer to ensure that all stakeholders are heard and that students and their families across the District are having equitable experiences.

AAPS Sustainability Framework

Our District must continue to develop and uphold our commitment to the AAPS Sustainability Framework. This means building a high quality K -12 Sustainability Curriculum that is accessible to all and making sure that our vendors have sustainable practices.